the secret to Growing A community of passionate members on Facebook

Discover how just $10 a day can supercharge your group's growth without the overwhelm

So, you're a creative coach or a course creator looking to grow your Facebook community, huh?

So far you've mastered organically posting your group link as often as possible on your profile

and promoting in other people's Facebook groups without coming off as too desperate

You know that using a paid ad strategy could accelerate your growth

but navigating the complexities of Facebook™ ads can be as confusing as trying to solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded

And let's not even get started on your advertising budget that's tighter than your favorite pair of skinny jeans

how can I even make ads work? what if I waste my money? I've tried ads before and they didn't work

It's time to stop letting those fears hold you back

Get ready to kick things up a notch with

Community Boost Bootcamp

Quickly transform your Facebook group into a thriving hub of engaged members and potential clients.

And the best part?

You don't need a PhD in rocket science or a never-ending budget to make it happen!

Here’s What's Inside!

Day 1: Setting the Stage

Day 1 is all about laying down some solid groundwork. We'll get your Facebook group all spruced up and ready for the new members you're about to attract.

We'll talk a little bit about facebook ads, and I'll share with you the easy group building funnel that we will be creating together throughout the bootcamp.

Yep. the same one that requires no landing page and no crazy pixel set up.

Day 2: The Know, Like & Trust Factor

Today, we're creating something irresistible.

Maybe you already have something awesome. Great! We will work on making it more awesome so that your ideal clients would never dream of passing it up.

Think of that lead magnet as the shiny lure that gets your ideal members hooked. And once they're in? We'll roll out the red carpet with an email sequence that makes them feel right at home.

Day 3: Let's get creative!

Today, we're diving deep into what makes an ad pop. I'll guide you through crafting words that resonate and visuals that captivate. And those Facebook lead forms? They're like the friendly doorman, ensuring every new member's entry is smooth and hassle-free.

Day 4: Ready to hit "Go"?

Today's the day we bring everything together.

With all our assets in hand, we'll set up your Facebook ads. I'll share an over the shoulder view of an actual campaign set up. You can follow along with every step.

If the Ads Manager ever felt like a maze, don't worry. I've got your back, and by the end of today, you'll be navigating it like a pro.

Day 5: Time to talk results

After your ads are live, it's all about patience and keen observation.

I'll show you how to decode those numbers and make them work in your favor.

And as we wrap up our time together, I've got some juicy tips on what to do next. Your journey to a buzzing community is just beginning, and I'm here to ensure it's a smashing success!

Bonus:Supercharging Engagement & Sales

You didn't think I would leave you hanging with all those new group members did you? In this special bonus section we'll jazz up your group's vibes, ensuring members feel right at home from day one.

Together, we'll explore fun engagement boosters, treat members to exclusive content, and celebrate every win.

Plus, I've got insider tips on monetizing your group authentically and weaving it seamlessly into your other platforms. It's all about creating a buzzing community that not only chats but also shops!

Community Boost Bootcamp covers the exact strategy that I used to grow a Facebook group from scratch, to over 100 members in just 2 days....just for experiments sake

It's also the same funnel and set up that I used to help my 1:1 client grow her email list with a 70% group enrollment rate

If you're ready to ditch the confusion, grow your community like a boss, and turn your Facebook group into a client-converting machine, Community Boost Bootcamp is your quickest path to success.

Join us today and let's kick some serious Facebook group goals together!

Join us today

and let's kick some serious Facebook group goals together!

Hi! I'm Genevieve

Your new sidekick for all things Facebook ads and passive funnels

I started out as a multi-passionate, multi-Etsy shop owner, and somewhere along the way, found myself chin-deep in the dizzying world of digital marketing.

I help creative business owners master digital marketing strategies that provide more time freedom, greater life/work balance and increased income possibilities.

Just think of me as your cool, kinda know-it-all, ad and funnel nerd friend who guides you through the chaos of digital marketing dices it up into easy to digest pieces.

No more getting freaked out by charts and data or confused by complex strategies. Just straight-forward insights that help you whip your business into shape

Who is 'Community Boost Bootcamp' for?


Coaches looking to expand their reach and connect with a larger audience


Course creators seeking to increase their course enrollment and engagement


Creatives wanting to build a community of like-minded individuals


Entrepreneurs aiming to grow their brand awareness and customer base


Online educators who want to foster a supportive learning environment


Small business owners who want to establish themselves as industry experts

I firmly believe in and stand behind THIS product 100%.

I'm confident that when implemented properly 'Community Boost Bootcamp' will drive significant improvement in your email list and Facebook Group growth

However, I understand that committing to a new tool can feel daunting. That's why I offer a 100% Risk-Free Guarantee. If within the first 7 days of purchase, you feel the bootcamp isn't living up to your expectations, simply reach out to me.

I'll provide a full, no-questions-asked refund.

My goal is your complete satisfaction. You're not just buying a product, you're investing in better outcomes, and that's what I aim to deliver.

If you're not happy, I'm not happy.

You don't have to take my word for it

The dashboard saved me hours, improved my ad performance, and best of all - it was so easy to use! I would highly recommend it to anyone running their own ads

-Sara, Photography Coach

I'm a total idiot when it comes to this stuff. KPIs and numbers make my head hurt. I put off running ads for soooooo long because I didn't want to have to learn all the hard stuff that comes with running ads. Now I never have to!

- Amanda, Etsy Sales Coach

This dashboard has seriously demystified the process of running ads. It told me exactly what changes to make, broke it down into easy steps, and gave me the confidence to take control of my own campaigns. My ROI has significantly improved since using it.

- Lily,

After using the dashboard, Lily TRIPLED her webinar registrations in just 30 days.

With a clear view of her ad performance and the ability to quickly tweak her campaigns in just a few minutes each day.

Ready to transform your Facebook advertising game and build a community that thrives? Join the Community Boost Bootcamp today and step into a brighter, more connected future!

$97 $0

5 Days of Bite-Sized Lessons

5 Email Series Nurture Welcome Templates

Ad Image Templates

Ad Copy Guide

Ad Metric Cheatsheet

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Community Boost Bootcamp really help me navigate the complexities of Facebook ads without breaking the bank?

Absolutely! The bootcamp is designed with you in mind. We'll demystify Facebook ads, showing you how to make the most of every dollar. No need for a hefty budget; we're all about smart, effective strategies that won't empty your wallet.

How exactly does the bootcamp teach me to effectively use $10-a-day Meta ads to grow my Facebook group?

Great question! We dive deep into the world of Meta ads, breaking down the process into bite-sized, easy-to-follow lessons. By the end, you'll know how to craft compelling ads that resonate with your audience, all on a budget-friendly $10 a day.

Will this bootcamp help me achieve consistent group growth, even if I have a limited advertising budget?

100%! The beauty of this bootcamp is that it's tailored for those who want maximum results with a modest budget. We focus on strategies that drive consistent growth without the need for big ad spends.

Is it true that I can grow a thriving Facebook community without the need for a landing page?

You bet! One of the gems of this bootcamp is showing you how to leverage Facebook's lead forms. This means you can capture interested members right within Facebook, eliminating the need for external landing pages.

What if I’m not satisfied with the product?

We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you're not happy with the dashboard or the results, please reach out to us within 14 days of purchase for a full refund.

Can Community Boost Bootcamp provide me with a clear strategy to increase my email list and convert Facebook group members into potential clients?

Oh, for sure! While our primary focus is on growing your Facebook community, we also delve into strategies that help you nurture these members. From lead magnets to email sequences, we've got you covered on turning group members into raving fans and potential clients.

How do I know if this bootcamp is the right fit for me as a creative coach or course creator?

If you're passionate about growing a community of like-minded individuals and leveraging Facebook ads to boost your reach, then this bootcamp is your jam! It's tailored for creative professionals like you who want actionable, results-driven strategies.

How will I access The Community Boost Bootcamp?

Upon purchase, you'll receive a confirmation email and information on how to access the pre recorded bootcamp in the membership area. Please give the internet gods a good 3-5 minutes to do their good work, but if you don't receive anything after that time period please reach out to me at

As a creative, service provider and full time mom I understand the value of building an authentic community while growing a life led business that allows you to reach your goals in all areas.

Join the Community Boost Bootcamp and learn how to harness the power of $10-a-day Meta ads to grow your Facebook group and connect with a passionate audience who genuinely shares your interests and values.

Ready to get started?

Please pop in your name and BEST email address

Yes, Genevieve! I'm totally in for receiving emails from you. Expect a mix of witty insights, marketing magic, and maybe a sprinkle of digital fun.

Your Info is Safe with Us: We respect your privacy like it's our favorite cocktail. Your personal details won't be shared, sold, or spilled. Pinky promise.